Sunday, May 26, 2013

What's that Word? Dental Jargon from A to Z: W is for Whitening

Whitening is a treatment where a dentist uses a solution to increase the brightness of teeth.

Whitening regimens should always be supervised by a licensed dentist.  Talk about whitening with your dentist and dental hygienist before you begin the process. 

It's also important to set whitening goals so you don't go overboard and damage the enamel of your teeth. 

Whitening toothpastes, which are more abrasive than normal toothpastes, should not be used by anyone with sensitive teeth.  If you develop sensitivity, whitening might not be for you.

What about whitening without using whitening products?
1.) Try drinking less coffee and tea.
2.) Drink anything that isn't water with a straw. 
3.) Brushing and flossing regularly can help you maintain a pearly white smile.
4.) Adding ingredients such as baking soda to your dental regimen can whiten your teeth.

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